Jesus Christ

is the

Head of the Church

Christ is the head of the church and He alone can build it. Biblical pastors are those who God equips to act as His representatives in the work of building up the body of Christ into all maturity of the faith.

Meet Our Team

Senior Pastor
Craig Wilson

As the senior pastor at Grace Community Church, Craig is responsible for the preaching of the Scriptures where he carefully and thoughtfully works systematically through God’s Word in an effort to bring glory to God and to make mature believers in Christ.

Associate Pastor
John Anderson

As an associate pastor, John hopes to teach the Bible for the benefit of the church and it’s maturity over time. He has a passion for the recovery of the Christian worldview in the West.

Head of Media
Joey Brendel

Through technology and media, Joey helps lead the creation of resources that can be repeatedly used to make much of Christ and grow people in their faith. Joey leads the production team for our Kids of Grace videos, our discipleship resources through Theology for You, and our weekly sermon videos.

Contact Us

You can contact our pastors by filling out the this form or by emailing us at